Monday, March 23, 2009


Well it's been awhile since I have blogged, I wanted to but I forgot my password and user name so kinda had to start over. So here it goes again.

When Greg and I got married we blended two families little did we know how challenging that can be. Just because we fell in love didn't mean that our kids were going to follow along with us. Eventually they have all settled in and all enjoy each others company but those first years were tough. Each one tested us in different ways, just when we thought we'd heard or seen enough the next one would open our eyes to something new. We laugh at it now, but most of the time we wondered if we could get through it.
Greg has 4 kids I have 2 easy enough right? Try explaining it to people especially when we try really hard not to say step-this or that. What does step-kid-mom-dad really mean anyway? We married each other and our kids were an added bonus. I have been blessed with a man that has accepted me the way that I am along with my added bonuses. Being in a blended family has had it's bumps in the road but, I have seen families that have all the "slotted players" and they have their problems as well. Some even have more problems. I think it all comes down to the fact that Greg and I have tried really hard to treat each kid the same but in different ways. We have always "backed" each other even if we thought sometimes maybe he/she is not correct. Kids are smart they pick up on everything, they know exactly which buttons to push and know when and where to push them.
None of the kids are more special than the other but, they each are special in their own way. We love them all and really don't know what our life would be without them. They make our life more interesting and the fact that they are giving us those little angels called grand-kids is making our life complete.
More to come on each of the kids...they are gonna love that......