Sunday, July 26, 2009


Wow! Where did the time go...I remember having Larry placed in my arms and wishing for a life and health and happiness for my little boy. I never wanted anything to "hurt" my little guy. Larry has always approached life with laughter, a open and giving heart, and a smile that has always lit up his whole face. Once in elementary school he received an award for sticking up for a little girl who was being picked on. I remember him wanting to play Army with his pals when they came over "Mom can we wear your Army stuff" was a question always asked, oh yeah can Dusty, Manuel, or whoever spent the night have some too? Growing up almost like an only child up until he was ten might have been pretty lonely if not for all the constant friends he had over. Friends were always one of his top priorities and it seems like he has always had and made friends very easy.
I dated a few guys after his Dad and I divorced and I'd have to say that he was a very good judge of character. Once he even told this guy he was gonna knock his block off. He was around 6 or so. Turns out he was right. From the beginning with Greg he always wanted to go over to "that Doctors house". Once again he has been right about that one too :o).
When he joined the Army, during two wars I thought I'd die especially when he went to Iraq. I had many nightmares and almost gave in to being sad all the time. The only thing that kept me going was hearing his voice and believing in HOPE. Thanks to God he has come back from both wars with the same smile and sparkle in his eyes ready to start his life. I know that he has been affected by both and I know that he is strong enough to continue to do great things with his life.
Looks like my hopes for him are coming true....

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